Help me to speak up for those who have been silenced. Let me lend my voice to their words. Remind me to protect those who are vulnerable.
Help me to not make too many assumptions. Let me give people and situations time to play themselves out. Help me to not be too disappointed when my expectations aren't met.
Help me to not be jealous of others' experiences. Let me use my emotions constructively, and plan my own adventures. Help me to include friends that would feel left out when I can.
Help me find beauty in inconvenient weather. Let me adapt quickly and move on with my day. Help me to not feel frustrated when others don't adapt as quickly.
Help me to use my power responsibly. Let me remember my actions might hold others back. Help me to be more conscious of the people I don't see or appreciate.
Help me to learn from my mistakes without repetition. Let me take good lessons to heart so I can grow without stumbling in the same spot. Help me to share my growing wisdom constructively so others can also benefit.
Help me to speak up about my needs. Let me not just assume others know how to support me. Help me to build relationships where I feel comfortable asking for aid.
Help me to not over prioritize the wrong parts of my life. Let me find a healthy balance with how I live and spend my time. Help me be thoughtful about where I place myself.
Help me to be patient when things don't go my way. Let me reorient myself quickly to the unexpected. Help me to be prepared for as many adjustments as possible.
Help me to learn from everyone I encounter. Let me quickly see whether someone is a good or bad example. Help me to show appreciation, especially to those who take the initiative to teach me.
Help me to treat others fairly when we work together. Let me see them as partners and not competitors. Help me to be clever when situations insist on being adversarial.
Help me to rely on others when I am I'll. Let me accept their aid without feeling guilty. Help me to get the rest and care I need.
Help me to make sure I'm satisfied by my experiences. Let me not waste my time with unfulfilling activities. Help me be proud of how I spend my days, work or play.
Let me find hope when I'm overwhelmed by despair. Help me find a path towards happiness. Let me do what I can to make the new path a reality.
Help me be receptive to new ideas. Let me be open to suggestions from other people. Help me to better collaborate towards a goal.
Help me to do sufficient research for purchases. Let me take enough time to know I'm spending my money correctly. Help me resist the urge for immediate gratification.
Let me make time for the people that need it most. Help me to keep my priorities in focus. Let me find a healthy balance when I'm pulled in multiple directions.
Help me to know when it is time to make my exit. Let me make sure I've exhausted every opportunity available. Help me to make the decision before it affects the well-being of others.
Let me be open to innovation, from myself and others. Help me to find the value in both the old and the new by trying something different. Let me avoid changes that offer no benefit or are regressive.
Help me listen to the right voices. Let me not be led astray by bad advice. Help me develop the skills to be a more discerning listener.
Help me to not give too much of myself to others. Let me make sure something is left for my own responsibilities and well-being. Help me to ask for help when I struggle too much.
Help me to support those who are suffering. Let me listen to what they need or simply what they want to say. Help me be a comfort through their sadness.
Help me to not give in to despair. Let me find a way to lift myself up when I must. Help me to make changes or confide in others when something must be done.
Help me to be more adaptable when the situation changes. Let me adjust my state of mind as necessary. Help me to handle challenges creatively.
Help me to not rush through activities I might enjoy. Let me find opportunities to savor the best moments. Help me make sure others take time to smell their own roses.
Help me to prepare myself when tasks threaten my constitution. Let me find methods that cause me less stress. Help me to find alternatives to the task when possible.
Help me to not lose focus when I’ve created something. Let me find a balance between the small details and the big picture. Help me to make sure I bring things to their finish.
Let me reserve my judgment until I know everything. Help me do my best to see the situation from the other side. Let me understand how I can adjust my behavior.
Help me to avoid projecting my insecurities onto others. Let me take a moment to assess their intentions. Help me to figure out what my real concern is.
Help me to identify the cause when I'm feeling burnt out. Let me find what I need to address the issue. Grant me the strength to make big changes when I must.