Brandon Brandon

Help me to speak up for those who have been silenced. Let me lend my voice to their words. Remind me to protect those who are vulnerable.

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Brandon Brandon

Let me be cautious when my words might cause difficulties for others. Help me to know when I should reserve my comments for later. Let me remember to say something later when there's someone that needs to hear it.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to not look in the other direction when something might be wrong. Let me find a peaceful way to solve the situation. Help me to stand up for a victim when no one else will.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to stand up for myself even when I’m exhausted. Let me find courage in whatever energy I have left. Help me use that strength toward effective solutions.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to stay focused when my attention is split. Let me prioritize my time and adjust as needed to complete all my tasks. Help me to speak up when I'm at my limit.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to stand up for strangers as long as they want me to. Let me resist the urge to cross boundaries when it might not be appropriate to say something. Help me to ask for help when situations escalate beyond my abilities.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to show compassion when I talk about difficult subjects. Let me be respectful to everyone involved in the situation. Help me to be an advocate for those who need it.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to accept things that I cannot change. Let me mitigate their impact where I can. Help me to support those caught in the crossfire.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to find it in me when someone needs to take a stand. Let me be a force for improvement both socially and professionally. Help me to know when it's my turn to step aside and support others that are more idealistic.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to appreciate when I have something good. Let me be thankful for the happiness it gives me. Help me to pass my joy on to others in some way.

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Brandon Brandon

Thank you for second chances. Help me to make the best of the ones I have. Let me find opportunities to offer them to other people.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to remember where I came from. Let me find ways to share my opportunities with those that come after me. Help me to advocate for them when they are unable.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to appreciate people that have looked out for me. Let me look out for others just like they have for me. Help me to pay them back in some way that I can.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to do my best when looking out for others. Help me to listen to what people say they really need. Let me keep my ear to the ground when I might hear news to the advantage of someone I know.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to be more considerate of other peoples' weaknesses and limitations. Let me be an ally and not an antagonist when I can do something someone else can't. Help me to not add to the struggles of others.

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Brandon Brandon

Thank you for the good fortune to be alive in the present. Thank you that everyone is more or less able to live a free life. Help me to do more than my part as an ally in improving the life of others.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to be more supportive of loved ones making significant changes to their lives. Help me to reach out and see what they need help with. Let me focus on them and not make it about me.

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Brandon Brandon

Thank you for those that live a life of service. Help me to not forget their sacrifices and appreciate what they do for us. Let me show dedication in my own life that is comparable to theirs.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to believe victims stories’, or at least not dismiss them without cause. Let me remember that giving someone the benefit of the doubt doesn't mean giving them carte blanche. Help me to the get the truth of the matter and not rely on my emotions to decide.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me find and improve my connection to the environment around my home. Let me behave in a way that shows the respect it deserves. Help me find the strength to advocate in its defense when others seek to do it harm.

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