Help me to not rush through activities I might enjoy. Let me find opportunities to savor the best moments. Help me make sure others take time to smell their own roses.
Help me to not derive too much joy from the decline of others. Let me show humility even when I know they deserve their fall from grace. Help me to learn from their example, even if they did not.
Help me to not be a party pooper when others are having fun. Let me figure out how I can make the best of the situation. Help me to quietly remove myself if I just don’t have it in me.
Help me to make time for others' celebrations. Let me find creative ideas to show them appreciation. Help me to show gratitude for the inclusion in their moment.
Help me to remember to celebrate victories. Let me not get too caught up in the next challenge that I forget to rest. Help me show appreciation to those that supported me in this endeavor.
Help me to savor the best moments while they happen. Let me not get too involved in leading or coordinating that I exclude myself. Help me to enjoy life's milestones without being distracted by the extraneous.
Thank you for the chance to escape reality. Thank you for opportunities to distract myself from the struggles of the world. Help me to live in the great moments I find and extend the feelings they give me as long as possible.
Help me to not feel overshadowed by others. Let me find value in myself without comparison to the people in the world. Help me to see the worth that people including myself bring to life.
Thank you for celebratory meals and other restorative dining experiences. Thank you for the feeling of closure they bring to the event they celebrate. Help my culinary endeavors to allow others to relax in appreciation.
Help me be more diligent about showing appreciation. Help me remember to show appreciation while the reason is still fresh in their minds. Let me find ways to show my appreciation even if I don't want to interact with people.
Help me to honor the history of those that came before me. Help me to preserve what made their lives interesting and great. Let me be extra cautious about whom I'm honoring and what they represent.
Help me to remember and appreciate special dates for myself and others. Let me find time in my busy day to celebrate and appreciate when I should. Help me to make sure to include others when celebrating my own moments.