Help me to treat others fairly when we work together. Let me see them as partners and not competitors. Help me to be clever when situations insist on being adversarial.
Help me be receptive to new ideas. Let me be open to suggestions from other people. Help me to better collaborate towards a goal.
Help me to not see others as my adversaries unless they truly are. Let me focus on creating positive relationships with people. Help me to keep a healthy distance from those with whom I just can't get along.
Help me to share responsibility better with and from other people. Let me find ways I can take the weight of those around me. Help me to know when it’s time to lean on others for support.
Help me to know the right time to conform and when it is best to do things my own way. Let me focus on the end result and the costs to get there more than my pride. Help me to focus on contributing more as a piece when I don't need to take the lead.
Help me to give credit when credit is due. Let me remember that I am not the only part of the puzzle even if I am the biggest piece. Help me to share whatever gratitude I receive with the people that deserve it.
Give me the willfulness to combine my strength with others. Help me to see how their strength can augment my own. Let me see that I can accomplish more than if I worked on my own.