Help me to be brave when faced with new experiences. Let me resist the urge to fall back to what I know. Help me to support others when they are similarly intimidated.
Help me to not spend a disproportionate amount of time on my appearance. Let me strike a balance that doesn't overly indulge my vanity. Help me to find a routine that gives me confidence without consuming me.
Help me face new opportunities courageously. Let me find the tools I need to proceed confidently. Help me to use caution proactively and not be held back.
Help me to keep my wits about me when people make me feel like I'm crazy. Let me see the truth of the situation they are trying to cloud. Help me find an anchor that keeps me sane through the frustration.
Help me to make a decision when I am being indecisive. Let me figure out my priorities so I can better narrow down my options. Help me to make the right final decision and not yield to outside pressure.
Help me to not grow too out of touch as I age. Let me stay in touch with who I am as I adapt. Help me to not be ridiculous in my attempts to stay relevant.
Help me to find confidence when I have none. Let me look inside myself to find the strength I need to overcome fear. Help me to shed my fear faster when it's for the sake of others.
Help me to be sure of who I am. Let me not doubt myself as I try to be the best I can be. Help me to model the best version of who I can be by improving my confidence.