Help me to not let my emotions lead me to a rash decision. Let me consider how others will be affected by my consequences. Help me to make things right when I cause someone inadvertent harm.
Help me to feel remorse for my mistakes. Let me see when my decisions cause consequences for others. Help me to be more cautious before inconveniencing others.
Help me to pay attention to the consequences of my good intentions. Let me listen when others question my ideas. Help me to support others in the way they need and not just the way I want.
Help me to find strength when I'm forced to confront someone. Let me see their weaknesses so that I may end the encounter peacefully. Help me to conclude the situation without causing long term consequences.
Help me to tactfully extricate myself from difficult situations. Let me find a method that accomplishes my goal quickly and quietly. Allow me to exit without drawing the attention or ire of others.
Help me to not let my anger get the best of me. Remind me of the consequences of my anger. Let my temper remain cool and my brain sharp no matter the anger provoked by the situation.
Help me to be more attentive about my own medical health. Let me make time to take better care of myself and visit medical professionals. Help me to remember the long term consequences of poor health so I can stay on top of it today.
Help me to make decisions that will allow me to age gracefully. Thank you for the advances in science that help me to live healthier, longer. Help me to realize when a behavior will lead to long term consequences.