Help me to be brave when faced with new experiences. Let me resist the urge to fall back to what I know. Help me to support others when they are similarly intimidated.
Help me to stand up for myself even when I’m exhausted. Let me find courage in whatever energy I have left. Help me use that strength toward effective solutions.
Help me to stand up for strangers as long as they want me to. Let me resist the urge to cross boundaries when it might not be appropriate to say something. Help me to ask for help when situations escalate beyond my abilities.
Help me to not be intimidated by drastically different weather. Let me find courage when I need to push myself into the unknown. Help me do my best to adequately prepare myself for the situation.
Help me face new opportunities courageously. Let me find the tools I need to proceed confidently. Help me to use caution proactively and not be held back.
Let me have the courage to show strangers compassion. Help me to not make assumptions based on my privilege. Let me find a way to share what I can that feels right to me.
Help me have the courage to chase things that seem almost impossible. Let me find what I need to make my goal more realistic. Help me to not be disproportionately hard on myself if I fail.
Help me to find it in me when someone needs to take a stand. Let me be a force for improvement both socially and professionally. Help me to know when it's my turn to step aside and support others that are more idealistic.
Help me to not delay my biological needs and responsibilities. Let me not be paralyzed by the fear of bad news. Help me to stay on top of things so my health doesn’t deteriorate unnecessarily.
Thank you for the ability to grow and mature. Help me to always have the courage to learn from my mistakes. Let me find opportunities to undo my errors when I have more experience.
Thank you for modern day heroes. Help me to learn from their examples. Let me rise to the occasion when someone needs me to be a hero.
Help me to find new opportunities when I need them. Let me figure out how to put myself out there. Help me to be prepared so I can take full advantage of my chances.
Help me to not overly retrace my mistakes. Let me learn my lesson and move on without being too hard on myself. Help me find the courage to not repeat my errors by making necessary changes.
Help me to not give in completely to despair. Let me find a light to lead me out of my darkness. Thank you for people that guide me out of it.
Help me to not avoid my problems. Let me use what little time I have to form a plan. Help me to face the situation head on and find support when I need it.
Help me to find new forms of entertainment. Let my hobbies teach me about myself. Help me to be brave when my interests intimidate me.
Let me find the strength to speak up for myself. Help me find the self esteem to share my feelings when necessary. Let me find a safe place to speak up when I do not have one.
Give me the strength to separate from the people I care about when necessary. Help me not tie myself down to people that continue to harm me, intentionally or not. Let me see the truth in the situation, and make the changes I need to make.
Help me to find the right words when I need them. Let me know what to say in a given moment and resist the urge to stay quiet. Help me to choose my words so that they have power behind them.
Help me to be more courageous in my daily life. Help me to not be controlled by fear of any sort. Let me separate myself from the self doubt that holds me back.