Help me to learn from everyone I encounter. Let me quickly see whether someone is a good or bad example. Help me to show appreciation, especially to those who take the initiative to teach me.
Help me to not derive too much joy from the decline of others. Let me show humility even when I know they deserve their fall from grace. Help me to learn from their example, even if they did not.
Help me to learn from my mistakes. Let me understand where I went wrong so I can prevent repetition. Help me to remember growth is better than perfection.
Help me to overcome my baggage when it prevents me from taking a necessary step. Let me find what I need to move on from the past. Help me to take my lessons from the past and move on to what’s important.
Thank you for modern day heroes. Help me to learn from their examples. Let me rise to the occasion when someone needs me to be a hero.
Help me to not overly retrace my mistakes. Let me learn my lesson and move on without being too hard on myself. Help me find the courage to not repeat my errors by making necessary changes.
Help me to learn from the mistakes of others. Let me resist the urge to make my own errors first hand. Help me to recover quickly when I do make mistakes.
Help me to accept outcomes that don't go my way. Let me learn from the loss and improve where I can. Help me to not be too hard on myself and others.
Help me to not hate or be angry with things I don't understand. Let me find a way to learn when my beliefs feel challenged. Help me to not lash out when I feel uncomfortable.
Help me to not give up on challenges. Let me learn as many lessons as I can from every struggle I endure. Help me to find new solutions when I feel I’ve run out of options.
Let me never stop learning. Help me to find new ways to stimulate my brain as I grow older. Let me remain humble even when I'm surrounded by dullards.
Grant me patience to do things the right way. Help me not to rush through something I should take my time with. Let me learn what I need to do it right, even if it slows me down.
Help me to be more gracious when I make mistakes. Let me resist the urge to make excuses except when it is necessary. Help me to turn my mistake into a learning experience and not be too hard on myself.
Thank you for the gratitude others have shown me. Help me to continue to show them the gratitude is deserved. Help me to learn from their example as I continue my own journey.
Help me to see the value in recording accurate history. Let me keep track of facts and data that are important to the world and those close to me. Help me to learn the lessons in those moments that are hard to remember.
Help me to accept defeat when I have to. Let me learn as much as possible from the experience so I can prevent the same outcome in the future. Help me to not be too hard on myself, and make peace with my loss.