Help me to not be pulled into family drama. Let me resist the temptation even when there is a side I want to take. Help me to support anyone hurt by the conflict.
Help me to have a healthy work ethic. Let me realize whatever toll it takes on my family. Help me to find better methods to accommodate my challenges.
Help me to be a good caretaker of my loved ones. Grant me the energy to sustain my care as long as they need it. Help me to not burn myself out as I give of myself to support others.
Help me to remember my friends and family that support me. Thank you for the feelings they've given me, and the sacrifices they've made. Help me to return the favor while showing them their trust is well placed.
Help me to be more perceptive when my loved ones are in need. Let me identify the best way I can assist them as soon as they need it. Help me to understand their struggles from their perspective.
Help me to bring smiles to the faces of people I care about. Let me bring more joy than sadness to their lives. Also, Help me to not bring frowns to the people I don't care about
Help me comfort my loved ones that are struggling. Help me know the right way to make them feel better. Let me figure out what they need so that I can help them feel better.
Help me to support my loved ones through the ravages of age. Help the future to give them good health and more grace. Please give me patience when I disagree with their decisions, even if I know I'm right. Help me to show them I truly love them with the time we have left.
Thank you for the long life we have and the many opportunities it gives us. Thank you for the relationships we build as we stumble down life's path. Help me to make the best of my time with older loved ones - humans and animals.
Help me to not feel smothered by the people I care about. Let me see the good intentions behind their love. Help me to better set boundaries for them so they don't overwhelm me.
Please help me keep my cool with those that stress me out. Let me find opportunities to cool down when my temperature rises. Help me to focus when my emotions distract me.
Help me to be a better teacher to my loved ones, especially to the more stubborn. Help me to not hold their age and ignorance against them when it frustrates me. Let me find the best way to crash through my barriers.
Grant me the patience I need to deal with my loved ones. Help me to appreciate our time together and be thankful for what we are able to do. Help me to be constructive in my criticism and thoughtful in my timing. Let our time together be a positive memory and not a time of strife.
Thank you for people that help me to be a better version of myself. Thank you for the personal sacrifices they've made for my benefit. Help me to never stop returning the favor as I encounter their own needs.
Help me to not be a bad influence on the people I care about. Let me refrain from encouraging them to cross unnecessary lines for selfish reasons. Help me to be aware of their weaknesses so I can avoid tempting them.
Help me to accept the things that make my friends and family unique and interesting. Help me avoid judgement and resist my preconceptions. Let me be someone they can show who they really are.
Help me find opportunities to be with my loved ones. Let me manage my time reliably and avoid disappointing the people I care about. Help me keep my priorities in focus through life's many distractions.
Thank you for my family, and all they do for me. Help me to be patient with their flaws and more appreciative of their support. Help our relationship to continue growing stronger, and have positive impacts on each others’ lives.
Help me to make time for other people. Let me find room in my life to spend time with the people that care about me. Help me to ensure its quality time and not turn it into a burden.
Help me to be a better caretaker for the people that most need it. Help me accommodate them in a way that gives joy to their life. Let me forget what I would rather be doing and look forward to time with them.