Let me make time for the people that need it most. Help me to keep my priorities in focus. Let me find a healthy balance when I'm pulled in multiple directions.
Help me to not lose track of my cause. Let me renew myself when my motivation begins to suffer. Help me return to my path when I'm forced to step off it.
Help me to stay focused when my attention is split. Let me prioritize my time and adjust as needed to complete all my tasks. Help me to speak up when I'm at my limit.
Help me to not over value my accolades. Let me focus on doing my best and not the hypothetical recognition or reward. Help me to find its value when my hard work doesn't seem to be appreciated.
Help me to own up to my mistakes. Let me resist the urge to make excuses or place the blame somewhere else. Help me to be focused on solutions instead of shifting the blame.
Help me to be proud of myself for the right reasons. Let me find the strength to make changes until I am. Help me to focus on what's important and not the superficial.
Help me to not become overzealous when I'm excited. Let me keep my enthusiasm in check and grounded in reality. Help me to not get too caught up in the moment.
Help me to not fall into a panic when I feel my heart racing. Help me to keep my focus where it needs to be. Let me take a quick assessment of the situation so I may react appropriately
Help me to work effectively and efficiently when I need a break. Let me resist the urge to quit early when I can close out the task at hand to truly relax. Help me to keep up my focus as long as necessary.
Help me to know the right time to conform and when it is best to do things my own way. Let me focus on the end result and the costs to get there more than my pride. Help me to focus on contributing more as a piece when I don't need to take the lead.
Help me to give mundane tasks my full attention. Let me not ignore things and think they are beneath me. Help me to be focused and thorough no matter how simple my objective appears to be.
Help me to not be frustrated by issues outside of my control. Help me let go of my tension and place my trust in others. Let me focus on the things I can do to impact the situation I'm in.
Please help me keep my cool with those that stress me out. Let me find opportunities to cool down when my temperature rises. Help me to focus when my emotions distract me.
Help me to not lose track of the purpose behind my actions. Help me to not get caught up in trials that keep me from my goals. Let me find tools that help me to stay on target and not forget my objectives.
Help me to reset myself when I start the day off poorly. Let me step back and push my frustrations aside. Help me to focus on what lies ahead and move past these difficult first moments.
Help me to keep my priorities straight. Help me organize myself so that I am not overwhelmed by life's many responsibilities. Let me resist the urge to prioritize or focus on the responsibilities I find most enjoyable while neglecting what is important.
Please shield me from hostile thoughts. Help me to push out my internal confrontations that serve me no benefit. Show me how to solve the conflicts I dread instead of replaying them in my mind.
Help me to be more determined, especially when something becomes more challenging. Help me to not be intimidated by the extra work required. Let me find the grit to get me through the trial.
Help me to focus on my current objective. Let me purge anything disruptive from my head and show me what I need to do. Help me to finish on a high note and not burn out before the task is complete.
Help me clear my mind. Let me push away the chaff from my thoughts and focus only on what's important. Sharpen my mind to the task at hand and please remove all distractions from my path.