Brandon Brandon

Help me to learn from my mistakes without repetition. Let me take good lessons to heart so I can grow without stumbling in the same spot. Help me to share my growing wisdom constructively so others can also benefit.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to know when it’s time to bury a grudge. Let me see the value in moving on from my anger. Help me to move past carrying grudges at all.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to be a refuge when people need someone to confide in that will tell them the truth. Let me find people who will tell me what they really think. Help me to be worthy of others' confidence.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to learn from my mistakes. Let me understand where I went wrong so I can prevent repetition. Help me to remember growth is better than perfection.

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Brandon Brandon

Let me not be consumed by my bitterness. Help me to work through my issues in a healthy way. Let me not stray from my path of self improvement.

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Brandon Brandon

Thank you for the ability to grow and mature. Help me to always have the courage to learn from my mistakes. Let me find opportunities to undo my errors when I have more experience.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to accept outcomes that don't go my way. Let me learn from the loss and improve where I can. Help me to not be too hard on myself and others.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to be generous with what I can afford to share. Let me find ways to put a little more effort into improving things for other people. Help me to find generosity in my heart and not for my own recognition.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to not beat myself up too much when I fail or struggle with something. Help me to see the learning opportunity of the situation. Let me help others to not torture themselves for their own mistakes.

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Brandon Brandon

Let me never stop learning. Help me to find new ways to stimulate my brain as I grow older. Let me remain humble even when I'm surrounded by dullards.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to remember what was good and bad about the past. Let me see the progress and change in the years since. Help me to remember where I came from and see how others struggled for my own sake.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to heal from traumatic memories. Let me forget and remember as necessary for my mental health. Help me to find the support I need to work through my nightmares.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to see myself for who I really am. Let me use self reflection constructively to identify the parts of myself that cause me trouble. Help me to overcome that inner conflict and grow from who I currently am.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to find my creativity when I need it. Let me nurture the connection between my heart and my mind. Help me to bring out the part of me that is best prepared for the tasks at hand.

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Brandon Brandon

Thank you for the wisdom that comes with growing older. Help me to not stagnate and become stuck in my ways, but continue to evolve as I age. Help time to make me more useful as I age, and less reliant upon others.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to make myself noticeable when I need to be. Let me find ways to stand out that are natural to my skill set. Help me to attract the intended attention by better understanding the situation.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to feel good about myself when I look in the mirror. Help me to look past the superficial and figure out what is really important to me. Let me make the changes necessary to be proud of who I am.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to perform to the best of my abilities in my profession. Let me find colleagues that collaborate well and bring out the best in each other. Help me to keep myself separate and wary of people that will bring me down or worse.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to grow as a person. Help me to remember that I can't make changes in my life if I continue to do the same things. Help me to seek out new experiences that help me to be a better version of myself.

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