Brandon Brandon

Help me to rely on others when I am I'll. Let me accept their aid without feeling guilty. Help me to get the rest and care I need.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to not give too much of myself to others. Let me make sure something is left for my own responsibilities and well-being. Help me to ask for help when I struggle too much.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to find a good balance between healthy eating and gluttony. Let me find enjoyable food that isn't as harmful to my body. Help me to not have too much of a good thing.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to not overdo it when my health is struggling. Let me find the support I need. Help me force myself to take an appropriate amount of rest.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to remember I am not invincible. Let me have the will to take better care of myself. Help me to maintain my needs and not ignore warning signs too long.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to not delay my biological needs and responsibilities. Let me not be paralyzed by the fear of bad news. Help me to stay on top of things so my health doesn’t deteriorate unnecessarily.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to not put unhealthy expectations on physical appearance. Let me resist the urge to be hard on myself and others. Help me to prioritize a healthy balance over my physical appearance.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to accept when I need to take a break. Let me make the best of my time off and not take it for granted. Help me to feel caught up and rested when I return to my labors.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to remember my health in inclement weather. Let me stay supplied for my needs as necessary. Help me to plan ahead to the best of my ability.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to heal from traumatic memories. Let me forget and remember as necessary for my mental health. Help me to find the support I need to work through my nightmares.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to find the time necessary to finish my tasks. Help me to not be overwhelmed by workload. Let me maintain a balance that protects my mental health.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to not exceed the limits of good health with my experiences. Help me to be cautious with whatever health risks I encounter. Let me find safer methods to explore so that I am in minimal danger.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to feel healthier. Help me to make the right changes to improve my physical and mental well-being. If any of my own habits are causing me discomfort let me realize they are the cause so I can address them.

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Brandon Brandon

Please let me live a life with minimal pain and confusion as I grow older. Allow me to age gracefully so that I can continue to take care of myself and not be forced to rely on others as I age. Also, please grant me the humility to rely on others when I need to, and be gracious to those that ask of me.

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Brandon Brandon

Please help me keep my loved ones healthy and safe. Help me to not neglect myself as I focus on them. Let me find the right way to support their needs to the best of my abilities.

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Brandon Brandon

Let me remember to be more aware of my mental health. Help me to ask people when I have a need for support. Help me to build relationships that are supportive in both directions so I can also look out for my loved ones.

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Brandon Brandon

Thank you for medical science and the security it provides. Help me remember how much harder it was just a few generations ago. Help me appreciate my good fortune and not take it for granted.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to be more attentive about my own medical health. Let me make time to take better care of myself and visit medical professionals. Help me to remember the long term consequences of poor health so I can stay on top of it today.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to remember good hygiene every day. Let the many interruptions and complications of life not keep me too distracted from my most basic tasks. Help me remember the long term health risks I take on.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to be patient with medicine and the medical process. Let me find the strength to wait for results and be patient with physicians. Help me to remember that most health issues aren't resolved overnight.

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