Help me to be more resolute when I need conviction. Let me find the foundation to build strength upon. Help me find a will that others can draw upon.
Help me to be consistent in behavior. Let me be present for the people that depend on me. Help me to be an example of reliability.
Help me to pass on my best traits to future generations. Let me work through my challenges to be a better example. Help me have the courage to own up to my mistakes and learn from them.
Help me to not take on a leadership role before I am ready. Let me prepare myself for the increased challenge and responsibility. Help me to not be afraid to ask for support when I can't handle things alone.
Help me to share responsibility better with and from other people. Let me find ways I can take the weight of those around me. Help me to know when it’s time to lean on others for support.
Thank you for the gratitude others have shown me. Help me to continue to show them the gratitude is deserved. Help me to learn from their example as I continue my own journey.
Help me to make sure my information comes from reliable sources. Let me develop the skills to be more discerning and a good curator of knowledge. Help my priorities to be finding the truth and resisting the urge to acquire information solely because it matches my ideas.
Help me to be a rock when I need to be. Let me find the strength to be strong in any adverse situation. Help me to be a foundation for others just as they support me when my life is hard.
Help me to always do my fair share of the work and be an important part of the team. Let me be an example of how to have fun while completing a task. Help me not be distracted as I work to pull my own weight.
Help me to be a good caretaker when I am responsible for children. Let me understand their needs and interpret their cries. Help me protect them from the harsh realities of the world we live in.
Help me to be brave in a pinch. Let me rise to the occasion when life challenges me in unprecedented ways. Help me to empower my friends and give them courage in the moments they need it.
Help me to be more kind to children and people without my advantages. Let me remember it isn't fair competition if I started the race in the lead. Help me to be a mentor instead of a competitor.
Help me to be a better ally to those that are more vulnerable than me. Let me believe the victim even if it hurts to do so. When giving the perpetrator the opportunity to speak up, help me to protect the victim.
Help me to keep on top of my obligations. Help me to handle my responsibilities quickly and effectively before I am overwhelmed. Let me remember to complete what is important before what is fun.
Help me to be a better financial example to impressionable people. Help me to keep my more ostentatious purchases to myself when possible. Let me be careful to not spend my money in a way that makes my loved ones feel inadequate.
Help me to be a better protector to those that are defenseless. Give me the courage to say what needs to be said to the right people. Help me to model better behavior that changes the hearts of the bullies I encounter.
Help me to protect those in need and wrap them up with love. Let me fight their demons without taking the responsibility away from them. Help me to lead them to the path they want to be on.
Help me to be a better example to those that would seek to emulate me, whether I am aware of them or not. Let them see me at my best, but also understand that I am flawed. Let them appreciate the effort it takes to improve myself.
Help me to be a better leader when I must lead and a follower when I must follow. Show me others' needs and the best way to meet them. Let me know when it is time to listen and when it is time to speak.