Help me to learn from my mistakes without repetition. Let me take good lessons to heart so I can grow without stumbling in the same spot. Help me to share my growing wisdom constructively so others can also benefit.
Help me to be patient when I'm running late. Let me keep my emotions in check as I attempt to make up time. Help me to not make mistakes as I rush to recover.
Help me to own and learn from my youthful mistakes when I'm reminded of them. Let me look into the past without fear or embarrassment. Help me resist the urge to rub the foolishness of another person's childhood in their face
Help me to learn everything I can from past mistakes. Let me turn the pain into something positive. Help me to be compassionate when I’m not the only one hurt by my mistake.
Help me to learn from my mistakes. Let me understand where I went wrong so I can prevent repetition. Help me to remember growth is better than perfection.
Help me to pass on my best traits to future generations. Let me work through my challenges to be a better example. Help me have the courage to own up to my mistakes and learn from them.
Help me to know when to take things personal. Let me not overreact to misunderstandings. Help me to keep my cool when it becomes time to address something.
Thank you for people that give me second chances. Help me to not waste my second opportunity. Let me use the moment to learn from my mistakes.
Help me to own up to my mistakes. Let me resist the urge to make excuses or place the blame somewhere else. Help me to be focused on solutions instead of shifting the blame.
Thank you for the ability to grow and mature. Help me to always have the courage to learn from my mistakes. Let me find opportunities to undo my errors when I have more experience.
Help me to not overly retrace my mistakes. Let me learn my lesson and move on without being too hard on myself. Help me find the courage to not repeat my errors by making necessary changes.
Thank you for people that make up for my mistakes. Help me to show my appreciation when those people make up for mine. Let me do my part to support others through their difficulties.
Help me to learn from the mistakes of others. Let me resist the urge to make my own errors first hand. Help me to recover quickly when I do make mistakes.
Help me to prioritize safety over speed. Let me see the value in not rushing to the finish. Help me to learn the lessons I can along the way and appreciate the assistance along the way.
Help me to better keep up with deadlines. Let me finish with time to take a breath and fix my mistakes. Help me find new techniques when necessary.
Help me to not beat myself up too much when I fail or struggle with something. Help me to see the learning opportunity of the situation. Let me help others to not torture themselves for their own mistakes.
Help me to be more gracious when I make mistakes. Let me resist the urge to make excuses except when it is necessary. Help me to turn my mistake into a learning experience and not be too hard on myself.
Give me the strength to apologize. Help me to be more sympathetic to others and more willing to admit when I am wrong. Help me to make my apologies authentic so they can accomplish genuine healing.
Help me to not be paralyzed by the mistakes in my past. Let me live in the present and strive for a better future. Help me focus on the lessons learned from my mistakes so I don't make them again.
Thank you for the opportunities to undo my mistakes. Help me to not take them for granted. Let me find new avenues to travel as I reflect and learn from the past.