Brandon Brandon

Help me to remember my appointments. Let me allow myself the time necessary to be where I need to be. Help me to be as organized as it takes to remain reliable and conscious of my tasks.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to keep my priorities straight. Help me organize myself so that I am not overwhelmed by life's many responsibilities. Let me resist the urge to prioritize or focus on the responsibilities I find most enjoyable while neglecting what is important.

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Brandon Brandon

Please help me to plan better, and accomplish more of the tasks I set out to do. Let me be better organized and efficient so I can be more competent and useful in general. Please give me the time I need to manage the myriad tasks I set before myself.

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Brandon Brandon

Please help me to plan better, and accomplish more of the tasks I set out to do. Let me be better organized and efficient so I can be more competent and useful in general. Please give me the time I need to manage the myriad tasks I set before myself.

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