Let me be conscious of how my behavior may appear to outsiders. Help me to not act in a way that could lead to misunderstanding. Let me be the best version of myself no matter where I am.
Help me to communicate better when I need help. Let me not be afraid to share myself with others. Help me to be perceptive when the struggles belong to someone else.
Let me see obstacles before they detail my progress. Help me to be attentive to what may pull me from the task at hand. Let me find time and methods to push through to completion.
Help me to find strength when I'm forced to confront someone. Let me see their weaknesses so that I may end the encounter peacefully. Help me to conclude the situation without causing long term consequences.
Help me to be more creative than those I am forced to compete with. Let me see through the obstacles they have placed in front of me. Help me to find what I need to transcend the conflict and be victorious.
Help me to see and understand what parts of the world are true. Let me not be misled by its many deceptions and charlatans. Help me to not put my preferred fiction before reality.
Help me to not fall into the trap of stereotypes. Help me to keep this true for my perceptions of others as well as myself. Let me learn who a person is from their actual behavior.
Help me to be more perceptive when my loved ones are in need. Let me identify the best way I can assist them as soon as they need it. Help me to understand their struggles from their perspective.
Grant me wisdom in making decisions. Let me put a proportionate amount of thought to the complication I face. Help me to quickly assess a situation so I can make the right call, or take my time when something requires more thought.
Help me to see past appearances for what things really are. Let me not color my perceptions with my own preconceptions. Help me to do more than judge books by their cover.
Help me to do things for the right reasons. Help me remember to support others in more than superficial ways. Let me find the best motivation and genuinely improve myself.
Help me to be mindful of how my words affect others. Help me to think before I speak so I don't accidentally hurt a loved one or stranger. Let me find a better way to broach sensitive topics.
Help me to give people the benefit of the doubt. Help me to not always jump to conclusions and hear their side of the story. Let me give people time for their character to show through and fight my superficial urges.