Help me to be consistent in behavior. Let me be present for the people that depend on me. Help me to be an example of reliability.
Help me to keep my wits about me when people make me feel like I'm crazy. Let me see the truth of the situation they are trying to cloud. Help me find an anchor that keeps me sane through the frustration.
Help me to communicate better with my friends. Let me find time to reach out to them more. Help me to maintain the friendships that mean the most to me.
Help me to not lose track of things that aren't important to me. Let me not fall behind on my smallest commitments and responsibilities. Help me to put more importance on the expectations of others.
Help me to make sure I have people I can ask for help, personally and professionally. Let me be available in the same way for those that could grow with me. Help me to maintain these relationships as life pulls us in different directions.
Help me to be a better partner platonically and romantically. Let me find better ways to communicate with and support another person. Through my actions, help me to show the people in my life how much they are appreciated.
Help me to remember my appointments. Let me allow myself the time necessary to be where I need to be. Help me to be as organized as it takes to remain reliable and conscious of my tasks.