Help me to receive more satisfaction from giving gifts than receiving them. Let me give people something truly meaningful. Help me to not find happiness in the endless accumulation of stuff.
Help me to better ration my needs when necessary. Let me not use more of what I have than I must. Help me make sure I leave enough for the future.
Help me to keep track of my property. Let me keep awareness of the things that are important to me. Help me to remain organized in both work and leisure.
Help me remember to maintain the things I sparingly use. Help me find ways to prevent them from falling into disrepair. Help me to be generous if someone else has a need for what I am neglecting.
Help me to be appreciative when I have good fortune. Let me find ways to spread its benefits to others. Thank you for the good luck that comes my way and help me to remember that fortunes can change.
Help me to remember that nothing lasts forever. Let me be wary of hoarding too much as a "collection." Help me to remember that things I love can also bring joy to others.
Help me to not place an outsized value in any of my material objects. Help me to remember no matter how much I love something, it's probably replaceable. Help me to be accepting and move on in the rare case that object is irreplaceable.
Help me to not put the value of inanimate objects over human life. Let me find time to know where my stuff comes from. Help me to be more conscious of where children are employed as labor.
Help me to appreciate the material possessions I have. Let me look at the property of others with motivation instead of jealousy. Help me to not superficially compare myself to others.
Help me to be generous with things I no longer want. Help me to remember I can share with my loved ones and those in need. Let me find the best use for the things I don't appreciate.
Help me to appreciate and handle other people's property better than my own. Let me see worth in the things they value and hold on to. Help me to treat it with the same level of affection they have for it.
Help me to not value material objects over the lives of others. Let me see the worth of other people and not compare them to life's trinkets. Help me to find the value in others I hope they will find in me.
Help me to remember and appreciate the many natural resources consumed in my daily life. Help me to not be wasteful in how I use the many objects in my day. Let me find better methods to enjoy my lifestyle that don't destroy my home.
Help me appreciate the life of the plants I encounter. Remind me of the relationship we share and our roles in it. Let me see the great value they contribute to my life and appreciate them with appropriate reverence.
Help me find the courage to take risks. Let me assess my opportunities accurately. Help me to weigh the loss and gain quickly and effectively so that I can grow my comfort zone.
Help me to not be consumed by my ambitions. Help me to not neglect other people as I seek to improve the quality of my own life. Let me find ways to support the ambition of those close to me.
Help me to be more effectively charitable. Show me more effective ways to help people and discourage me from choosing the simplest option. Let me find a way to make a more significant impact where help is necessary.
Help me to not put my pride before victory. Let me make the right decision for the greater good even when it's not my own favored choice. Help me support the people less fortunate in their success as best I can.
Help me to not let my expectations overwhelm my appreciation of things. Help me to keep my attitude in check when it is getting away from me. Help me to be happy when I don't get exactly what I want.
Help me to consider the costs of my indulgences. Let me strike the right balance between need and want that my finances can comfortably afford. Help me to not be taken in by every fascinator that catches my attention.