Help me to tell the truth about people. Let me be cautious who I share those truths with. Help me to phrase things carefully when the truth is difficult to hear.
Help me to be a refuge when people need someone to confide in that will tell them the truth. Let me find people who will tell me what they really think. Help me to be worthy of others' confidence.
Help me to know when a gift has strings attached. Let me find the wisdom to see through deception. Help me to not be excessively distrustful in my caution.
Help me to not be taken in too easily by deception. Let me maintain a healthy level of skepticism. Help me to leave ample room for trust to be earned.
Help me to better sort truth from fiction. Let me see through even the most well crafted lies. Help me to show others the truth in a way they can accept.
Thank you for friends that I can confide in. Let me offer them the same confidence. Help me to be worthy of their trust.
Help me to give people the benefit of the doubt when they let me down. Let me better see the incident from their perspective. Help me to know when it’s time to move on and stop giving second chances.
Help me to find people to confide in. Help me to develop trust in new relationships. Let us learn how to lean on each other without being exhausting.
Help me to be a better confidante to the people I care about. Let them trust me to be a good listener and keeper of secrets. Help me to know when to speak and when to listen when my loved ones are baring their soul.
Help me to be as trustworthy as I am cautious. Help me to be careful when confiding and relying on new people. Let me find the information I need quickly so that I can make the right decisions about new friends and colleagues.
Help me to see people for who they really are. Let me see the worst or the best in them as appropriate. Show me how to nurture the right friendships and not waste my time with people that would do me harm.
Help me to trust my friends and rely upon them. Let me see the value in not doing things on my own. Help me know when it's OK to ask for help.
Help me to make sure my information comes from reliable sources. Let me develop the skills to be more discerning and a good curator of knowledge. Help my priorities to be finding the truth and resisting the urge to acquire information solely because it matches my ideas.
Help me to believe victims stories’, or at least not dismiss them without cause. Let me remember that giving someone the benefit of the doubt doesn't mean giving them carte blanche. Help me to the get the truth of the matter and not rely on my emotions to decide.
Help me to have faith in other people's abilities. Help me to trust in people enough to let them perform their responsibilities. Let me remember the successful results as evidence that collaboration is useful.
Help me give people the chance to make amends. If I still can't trust them, help me find a way for them to earn my trust. Let me not lose my caution despite my open heart.
Help me to see the value in recording accurate history. Let me keep track of facts and data that are important to the world and those close to me. Help me to learn the lessons in those moments that are hard to remember.
Let me feel comfortable asking for help from others when I need it. Help me remember it's OK to be vulnerable with people I trust. Help me to rely on them and be relied upon without feeling like a failure.
Help me to wait my turn even when it feels like the end of the world. Let me trust in others to complete their responsibilities. Help me to be patient waiting for whatever needs to align for my needs.
Help me to be patient when I can't figure out a problem. Let me confide in qualified people when something is beyond my abilities. Help me accept good advice even when it's not what I want to hear.