Help me to not hate or be angry with things I don't understand. Let me find a way to learn when my beliefs feel challenged. Help me to not lash out when I feel uncomfortable.
Help me to heed good advice. Let me put my preconceptions aside when it sounds like I should be listening. Help me to parse the truth in what they're saying and find its value in my life.
Help me to purge selfish reasons from my actions. Let me better understand my motivations so I can shape them. Help me to care about things unrelated to myself.
Help me to hear what people are actually saying when they lie. Let me understand the deceptive meanings behind their words. Help me to know the truth whether I hear it or not.
Help me to see and understand what parts of the world are true. Let me not be misled by its many deceptions and charlatans. Help me to not put my preferred fiction before reality.
Thank you for people that tell us the truth and do it with love. Help me to listen more to them and where their advice comes from. Let me nurture my own honesty and share it more softly with my friends.
Help me to understand the purpose behind confusing behaviors. Let me put myself in a position to see the other side's perspective. Help me to make my own purpose clear to others.
Help me to understand others better. Give me the patience to figure out what other people are about before I judge them. Help me to learn what I can whether a situation is to my benefit or theirs.