Brandon Brandon

Help me to treat others fairly when we work together. Let me see them as partners and not competitors. Help me to be clever when situations insist on being adversarial.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to identify the cause when I'm feeling burnt out. Let me find what I need to address the issue. Grant me the strength to make big changes when I must.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to not shirk my responsibilities. Let me handle things before they become the problems of others. Help me to find value in taking care of my duties.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to have a healthy work ethic. Let me realize whatever toll it takes on my family. Help me to find better methods to accommodate my challenges.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to keep up when my workload expands. Let me find better ways to manage my time so I can better adapt to changes. Help me to not be too hard on myself when I miss arbitrary deadlines.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to use the right tool for the job. When the correct tool isn't available, help me to do my best with what I have. Let me be patient with what I need when that is an option

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to keep track of my property. Let me keep awareness of the things that are important to me. Help me to remain organized in both work and leisure.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to work effectively and efficiently when I need a break. Let me resist the urge to quit early when I can close out the task at hand to truly relax. Help me to keep up my focus as long as necessary.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to find time and methods to separate from my profession. Let me not be so consumed with work I neglect my personal life. Thank you for the opportunities to escape I am able to find.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to find the value in hard work. Let me always find reasons to give a full effort. Help me to be much less of a slacker than I often would prefer to be.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to find the right priorities in my profession. Let me remember why I chose my career in the first place. Help me do what I need to succeed without causing problems for others.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to appreciate my many responsibilities. Let me remember what they mean for me, and what they allow me to have. Help me to see my chores as part of who I am and not idle work.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to appreciate the hard work of others. Let me see that I am not the only person contributing to a task. Grant me the perspective to see how much my life is improved by other people.

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Brandon Brandon

Help me to perform to the best of my abilities in my profession. Let me find colleagues that collaborate well and bring out the best in each other. Help me to keep myself separate and wary of people that will bring me down or worse.

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