Help me to not spend a disproportionate amount of time on my appearance. Let me strike a balance that doesn't overly indulge my vanity. Help me to find a routine that gives me confidence without consuming me.
Help me to stand up for strangers as long as they want me to. Let me resist the urge to cross boundaries when it might not be appropriate to say something. Help me to ask for help when situations escalate beyond my abilities.
Help me to not derive too much joy from the decline of others. Let me show humility even when I know they deserve their fall from grace. Help me to learn from their example, even if they did not.
Let me be conscious of how my behavior may appear to outsiders. Help me to not act in a way that could lead to misunderstanding. Let me be the best version of myself no matter where I am.
Help me to be a refuge when people need someone to confide in that will tell them the truth. Let me find people who will tell me what they really think. Help me to be worthy of others' confidence.
Help me to respect other people's pain. Let me be careful with my choice of words. Help me to focus on empathy and not myself.
Help me to know when a gift has strings attached. Let me find the wisdom to see through deception. Help me to not be excessively distrustful in my caution.
Help me to be more resolute when I need conviction. Let me find the foundation to build strength upon. Help me find a will that others can draw upon.
Let me be accepting when my times of leisure come to an end. Help me face my challenges somewhat rejuvenated. Help me to not overcompensate when my time off comes to a close.
Help me to find a good balance between healthy eating and gluttony. Let me find enjoyable food that isn't as harmful to my body. Help me to not have too much of a good thing.
Help me to show compassion when I talk about difficult subjects. Let me be respectful to everyone involved in the situation. Help me to be an advocate for those who need it.
Help me to make the best of whatever time I have with something. Let me focus on the positives of the moment. Help me to not think too much of what I could or couldn't have done.
Help me to follow through on long tasks. Let me push through life's many distractions. Help me to keep working on something until I'm proud of the finished product.
Help me to never stop broadening my worldview. Let me find value in art and information much younger than myself. Help me to not overcompensate in my attempts to stay fresh and new.
Help me to learn everything I can from past mistakes. Let me turn the pain into something positive. Help me to be compassionate when Iām not the only one hurt by my mistake.
Help me to keep calm when people talk about topics that are tender to me. Let me resist the urge to get my two cents in when it will only aggravate the situation. Help me to find a more effective way to respond than in anger.
Help me to provide better guidance when people ask for it. Let me phrase myself in a way they will understand. Help me to manage my frustration when my advice is ignored.
Help me to be tactful when telling people the truth. Let me figure out the best way to communicate with them. Help me to not be overwhelmed when they frustrate me.
Help me to not be pulled into family drama. Let me resist the temptation even when there is a side I want to take. Help me to support anyone hurt by the conflict.
Help me to not be intimidated by drastically different weather. Let me find courage when I need to push myself into the unknown. Help me do my best to adequately prepare myself for the situation.